
We would like to show you how good a transcription and notation tool our guitar tablature software is. We have used Guitarmaster's Export function to give you a glimpse of what our software is capable of.

Below you will see two examples of the tablature (in standard text format) produced by Guitarmaster V 2.1, along with the standard notation produced when the song is exported to Sibelius notation software. In each example you can hear both the actual sound produced by the electric guitar as it was played, and the corresponding MIDI file produced by the Guitarmaster software. To use the playback controls, click once to start and again to stop. (Note that in some browsers you may have to click twice to start playback!)

Example 1: Paganini Fifth Caprice (excerpt)

 (click to hear the actual guitar sound)

 (click to hear the Guitarmaster MIDI file)

Example 2: Chord Sequence

 (click to hear the actual guitar sound)

 (click to hear the Guitarmaster MIDI file)

Note: These are the actual results produced by Guitarmaster from the raw audio files generated by the guitar. (No "trickery" has been employed!). The only change we have made is to convert the .wav and .mid files to MP3 files for the purposes of this web page.

N.B. You do not have to use Sibelius to display MIDI files produced by Guitarmaster in standard notation. Any MIDI-compatible notation package will do the job - for example Noteworthy Composer. Please see our Links page for some further suggestions.